Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Set Up Your Workspace

Now that the pre-primary forms are complete sculpey can be added to the armature.

Set up the work space. The work space should include a mirror (for self portraits), an anatomy book, a human skull* (if you have one), and sketches. In addition to these items the work space may include tools: a roller, wood and wire loop tool, Xacto knife, and Vaseline.

Place the mirror on a box to bring it to eye level. Do the same for the sculpture. It is important to have the sculpture at eye level to prevent the perspective from being skewed.

Next roll out a coil of sculpey. Make it about the same diameter as a dime and as long as can be appropriate for the space. Also roll out a slab. Make the slab about 1/4 - 1/8 inch thick, also as large as the space will allow.

To roll out a coil simply take the sculpey between both hands and roll a hot-dog form. Then put the form on the table and with fingers spread (number ten style) roll the coil on the table until it is the diameter and length desired. If the coil flattens out turn it so that the round end is on the table and tap it gently and then continue to roll.

To roll out a slab place a section of sculpey on the table and flatten with the roller until the desired thickness and size.

*Can be ordered online at places like Shop Anatomical or Anatomy Warehouse.


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